Monday, 1 August 2011

Emirates Cup

Hasn't the summer just gone so quickly!! It's only two weeks away from the start of the Premier League already! Crazy. I know it's really gone quick when the Emirates Cup creeps up on me.

Now I'm not the biggest fan of the Emirates Cup but this comes more from a working point of view. Whilst all of you get to watch two games of great football back to back I have to be working on my feet for nine hours. Then I have to do it all again the next day! Safe to say that I'm pretty much knackered by the end of it and lose all interest in the actual football. Which means that even though I was annoyed yet not surprised that Arsenal lost the tournament I didn't mind too much as it meant people would leave quicker which in turn meant I could go home sooner.

Arsenal didn't play well though. It seems that over the summer nothing has changed. Our defence is still shocking, we're lacking strong leadership in midfield and still don't have that one person you can always rely on to get you a goal when the ball is a few feat from the goal. The fans were not happy at all and there were even boos. Arsene Wenger really needs to change things or he might even be for the chop at the end of the season and I've never known Arsenal without Arsene!

However this could work out for the better as every year we've won the Emirates Cup we've never one anything else so fingers crossed.

I do also have to give credit to the New York Red Bulls who didn't play half bad and all through the game I was secretly hoping that Thierry Henry would score.

But Hey Ho there was other good news in the sporting world.

Jenson Button won the Grand Prix! Woo!
I much prefer him to Lewis Hamilton, he's a much more likeable guy with an actual personality.
&& England are doing well in the Cricket! Yayyyyy

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